Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

  • Is It Time To Declare Bankruptcy? 3 Signs

    Whether at a business or personal level, a time comes when you encounter challenges with your finances. You can choose to file for bankruptcy and start afresh when this happens. But contrary to the common perception, this process is not a quick shortcut out of debt. You have to consult widely and make the right choices. Most importantly, you need to hire a lawyer to guide you through the legal procedures involved in declaring bankruptcy.

  • Bitten By A Dog? 3 Situations That Require Legal Representation

    If you've been bitten by a dog, and you've decided to handle the claims process on your own, you might want to rethink that decision. There are some personal injury claims that can be handled without legal assistance. However, dog bites don't always fall into that category, especially when special circumstances are involved. Read the list provided below. If you're experiencing any of the issues described here, it's time to hire a dog bite attorney.

  • Avoid These Personal Injury Accident Errors And Be Paid What You Deserve

    When it comes to personal injury cases, it's as much about what you should avoid doing as what you do. Read below to find out how victims can easily avoid making these errors. You Put Off Taking Action You do need to take enough time to heal from your injuries before you begin a legal proceeding. However, waiting too long has its risks. For one thing, accident evidence can be lost if you don't capture things quickly.

  • Estate Planning 101: 4 Deadly Mistakes You Should Avoid

    You've most likely heard about the importance of making plans for your next phase of life, which includes estate planning. Estate planning can offer peace of mind and ensure that your interests, assets, and loved ones are well-protected, even after your death. However, while estate planning is important, it's one of the most loathed steps when creating a financial plan. After all, no one likes to really think about their death. In addition, estate planning is a fertile ground for deadly mistakes.

  • Talk To Your Divorce Attorney Before Submitting A Parenting Plan To The Court

    If you are going through a divorce and you and your spouse have children, you may at some point be asked by the court to submit a parenting plan. This typically includes what you would like to see as far as who gets custody of the children and when. It may take into account your work schedule and that of your spouse's as well as a variety of other factors like terms each parent must agree to for overnight stays, special family events or gatherings, and so on.

  • 2024© Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction
    About Me
    Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

    When you sell stock photography, there is always a risk that someone may use your image in a way that you didn't permit in the licensing agreement. When that happens, you need to protect your licensing rights. The best way to do that is to work with a copyright and licensing attorney. I've spent a lot of time researching fair use and licensing restrictions. I hope that the information here helps you to not only understand your rights as the creator but also to learn how to document and enforce those rights and seek legal resolutions when they are violated.
