Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

What To Expect With Domestic Relations Orders

Judy Alexander

If you are about to go through a divorce, your experience will vary depending on several factors. If you have children under 18, have joint debt, own property together, or have retirement assets, your experience will be a lot more complex than if you didn't have any of those things. Fortunately, family law provides a means of addressing these complexities and that is by use of domestic relations orders. Read on for a survey of common orders and what they mean.

Common Orders in a Divorce

The below orders mostly apply to those with children, assets, and debts. If you don't have any of those things (or you agree on everything), it's entirely possible to go through a divorce without encountering a single order. Some orders expire with the divorce decree, such as temporary orders meant to handle matters during separation. Some expire only with a milestone like a birthday or other events. Permanent orders become part of the final decree. If you or your spouse disobey an order, you might face problems. If you disagree with an order or you want to change it later on, most orders dealing with minor children are flexible and are meant to be altered when the need arises. Other orders, like spousal support and those dealing with debts and property, may not be easily ordered, so it's vital that you get them right the first time or file an adversary action immediately.

  1. Child Support – As soon as you are no longer living under the same roof, child support can be ordered. Who has to pay depends on where the child is residing and the income of the parents. Temporary child support can be ordered if the custody arrangement is not yet final. The amount paid is based on income and the state's median income.
  2. Child Custody – As with child support, there might be temporary custody orders in place when custody is in contention. With a custody order comes a visitation order for the other parent. If the other parent is not fit to parent or is incarcerated, no visitation will be ordered and sole physical and legal custody will be ordered.
  3. Use of the Home – If the couple cannot decide, the judge can order one party to live in the home and the other to find their own accommodations, at least during the separation. The home, along with all other marital property, will be addressed in the final decree.
  4. Alimony (spousal support) – Can be temporary during the separation period. A new order to address either rehabilitative or permanent alimony will be included in the final decree if a need exists.
  5. Debt Assignments – Marital debts are divided according to the laws of the state (community property vs. equitable distribution).
  6. Property Divisions – Marital property is divided according to the laws of the state.

Speak to your divorce law attorney to learn more.


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Image Licensing Protections: An Introduction

When you sell stock photography, there is always a risk that someone may use your image in a way that you didn't permit in the licensing agreement. When that happens, you need to protect your licensing rights. The best way to do that is to work with a copyright and licensing attorney. I've spent a lot of time researching fair use and licensing restrictions. I hope that the information here helps you to not only understand your rights as the creator but also to learn how to document and enforce those rights and seek legal resolutions when they are violated.
